The secret to slowing down time

Have you ever noticed how your emotional state can impact your perception of time? Like when you are really enjoying yourself time seems to go by so fast (I swear the wedding I had spent a year planning was over in a single blink), but when you are uninspired (perhaps at a work meeting ;) time seems to go by sooo slooow....

Or maybe you've observed that when you're feeling busy or rushed there never seems to be enough hours in a day, but when you have nothing fun to do (hello COVID) time seems to drag on?

I am on the constant pursuit of finding ways to bring more ease and joy into my life (and yours!). And so the scientist in me LOVES thinking about these types of does variable x influence variable y?

Whether you are a professional, a student, a mom, or an empty nester, today most of us feel busy and rushed. We keep moving, keep working to get it all done (often without taking breaks) because we think that pausing will slow us down... BUT (and this is super counter intuitive) taking a break and slowing down is actually the ONE thing that will buy us more time in the long run.

The thing is that feeling rushed is exactly that: a feeling. And a feeling always comes from a thought. When you feel rushed, your mind is constantly thinking about the next thing on your to-do list, so you are always living in the future (in your mind at least) which makes time feel like it's going by faster.

But when you keep your mind anchored in the present moment something magical begins to happen: time seems to slow down! You begin to feel less rushed, less agitated, and more in control. But it's not your to-do list that has changed, it's your perception of time!

I've been reading the book Essentialism by Greg McKeown and I've been happy to see that he too emphasizes the importance of things such as taking breaks to sit and think, sleep, and play to increase productivity (and not reduce it).

Over the years my yoga and meditation practice that has helped me learn to tame my mind (amongst MANY other things)- so that I don't spend too much time in the future (which often leads to anxiety) or in the past (which can lead to depression). And in doing so, I have acquired the superpower of being able to slow down time.

I would love to share my superpower with you, and teach you how to harness this skill too! There various free and paid ways for you to learn with me:

You can get a taste of what I have to offer with my free fertility yoga or prenatal yoga recordings.

And if you have any questions about how to use yoga and meditation to slow down time please leave them in the comments below!


(In)fertility Explained - from an East meets West perspective


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